Publication Date July 01, 2020
In May 2020, the After School Support for Teens Program organized
the Assessment for Learning (AfL) and Project-Based Learning (PBL) courses online.
Despite the many challenges faced due to the situation caused by the pandemic,
the Program managed to take all necessary measures and continued
training teachers of partner schools by using online platforms.
The AfL course was organized for the following seven other partner schools of Kosovo: Kuvendi i Arbërit – Ferizaj, Hajdar Dushi – Gjakova, Xhavit Ahmeti – Gjilan, Dardania – Han i Elezit, Xhevdet Doda – Pristina, Kuvendi i Lezhës – Viti, Eqrem Çabej – Vushtrri. The intention of this course was to equip teachers with knowledge of ongoing student assessment techniques, which is based on the expected competencies of the school curriculum, but also enables the gradual and individual follow-up on the development of student achievements.
The PBL course was organized for the following Program’s partner schools
in Kosovo: Haxhi Zeka - Istog; Ulpiana – Lipjan, 17 Shkurti – Obiliq,
Xhelal Hajda Toni – Rahovec. The intention of the course was to provide
teachers with the necessary knowledge to adapt a teaching method
recommended by the Kosovo Curriculum Framework, which creatively
and efficiently meets the competency-based curriculum requirements.
A total of 480 students were involved in 19 groups, by implementing
creative projects, which enabled them to enhance different soft skills
while working together as teams.
Teachers who participated had the chance to benefit from interactive sessions that were held on ZOOM platform for a period of two days. Facilitators held interactive sessions with their teachers, which were followed by asynchronous work sessions, through Google Classroom, where teachers could work individually and in groups. Upon completing training, teachers who finished the course applied the new methods learned in their own practice hosting online sessions with students.
All teachers who successfully completed these courses, were certified with extra points which contribute to their teaching license.
The After School Support for Teens (ASSET) works with 16 general upper secondary schools- Gymnasia in 16 different Kosovo municipalities. ASSET is a 5-year program funded by USAID Kosovo and implemented by the Kosova Education Centre (KEC) in partnership with FHI 360 and Crimson Capital Corp.